APIOps – A deep dive for APIM multi-environments

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Dan Rios

11 min read

What is APIOps?

APIOps is the process of applying DevOps to the Azure API Management (APIM) service. By applying this concept to APIM, you can bring your APIs into version control, and most of the operations that were once done in the Azure Portal can now be achieved through code using CI/CD pipelines with APIOps.

The benefits of this method of working are that it enables many teams to become involved in the API lifecycle, increasing collaboration between teams. In addition to version control for your API developer and design lifecycle workflows, APIOps provides audit history, a backup of your APIM instances through an extraction pipeline and commit history, and greater governance and a consistent APIM deployment experience.

In this blog, I’ll share insights on implementing this for a multi-environment APIOps setup, lessons learnt, tips, and examples. This blog will focus on those who have a dev/test/prod style APIM setup, and how that may look when gearing up to adopt APIOps.

I hope this will provide some valuable insights for those organisations looking to adopt APIOps. Whilst this write-up is targeted at Azure DevOps, it is an almost identical concept for GitHub as well.

Benefits of APIOps
1. Increased collaboration between teams (Developers, Platform/Infrastructure/Management Stakeholders)
2. Version control, audit history
3. APIM Backup in code
4. Standardised deployments
5. Consistent deployments

Where to get started?

Firstly, before we delve into the technical deep dive, it’s worth pointing out some details about the project.

The Azure/apiops project is open-source and is not officially supported by Microsoft. It is a best-effort project, relying on contributions. However, it is largely led and organised by Wael Kdouh, a Microsoft FTE, along with guythetechie, who is heavily involved in the project. The project can be found here:


The documentation for APIOps is thorough and well-documented. There is even a YouTube video that sets the scene for what to expect and how to get started at a basic level. The setup will guide you through a basic configuration in Azure DevOps with a development environment.

Check it out here to get familiar with APIOps: https://azure.github.io/apiops, specifically review the supported scenarios section: Supported Scenarios | APIOps – Documentation (azure.github.io)


If you’ve followed the setup steps from the documentation, you will be in a position where you have run the ‘APIM Extractor’ pipeline to pull all your development APIM into Git as code. It’s important to note that the artefacts being stored in Git are supposed to be from your lowest environment (i.e., Dev APIM). You do not need to extract other environments unless you wish to have a ‘backup’ for that instance—more on that later.

The structure will look similar to this once extracted:

APIOps Artifacts
APIOps Artifacts

Readiness and standardisation

The major hurdle to adopting APIOps is that you must standardise your APIM properties. By this, I mean that all named values, APIs, loggers, diagnostics, backends, etc., must have the same names across all environments.

This is because when using APIOps for multi-environment setups with dev/test/prod, you will only overwrite the value for the environment, not the names. This is the way it is designed to work as part of the workflow and may be the biggest burden if you’re adopting an existing setup, especially if some less-than-ideal practices have been implemented (another win for APIOps once you are done 😎).

Now that you have APIM in code, you can begin to refactor where necessary.

API Policies

Check that your API policies have no hard-coded values such as secrets (I really hope not!), application IDs, CORS URLs, etc. If they do, they will need to be moved to a named value variable as part of the readiness for adoption. Microsoft has good documentation on this here. Additionally, here’s some examples that demonstrate the shift from your potential current state to where you potentially need to refactor towards for APIOps adoption:


		<base />
			<when condition="@(context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault("iss", "").Equals("https://sts.windows.net/someTenantId/"))">
				<validate-azure-ad-token tenant-id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">


		<base />
			<when condition="@(context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault("iss", "").Equals("https://sts.windows.net/someTenantId/"))">
				<validate-azure-ad-token tenant-id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">


With cross-origin resource sharing, you can also shift these to a variable that links to a named value.


      string[] allowedOrigins = "{{api-allowed-origins}}"
        .Replace(" ", string.Empty)
      string requestOrigin = context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("Origin", "");
      bool isAllowed = Array.Exists(allowedOrigins, origin => origin == requestOrigin);
      return isAllowed ? requestOrigin : string.Empty;

The named values can be URLs that are separated by commas: https://someurl, https://anotherurl, https://localhost




All backend names need to be consistent, allowing you to override the values of these in the environment YAML files that APIOps adopts for multi-environment publishing. For example, if your API backends have names like “dev-someApi-backend,” you will want to change this to “someApi-backend.”

This way, when using the overrides, you will be able to amend the Azure resource ID and Runtime URLs for the higher APIM instances in test & production, for example.

Named values

For all sensitive or secret values, it is strongly recommended to link these to a Key Vault to fetch from as best practice. For all other non-sensitive values, they can remain as plain values that can be referenced. The named values need to be standardised and should not be environment-specific. If your APIM named values have names such as ‘dev-api-secret’ or similar, you’ll want to standardise the name (e.g. to api-secret). This way, you can override the value in the config YAML file through APIOps when publishing in higher APIM environments.

APIM Named values

Application Insights

You will need to ensure that the loggers and diagnostics have a static name, for example ‘applicationInsights’ and not ‘prod-appInisghts-apim’. If you need to correct this, create a new folder with the new desired name:

loggerInformation.json example:

  "properties": {
    "loggerType": "applicationInsights",
    "credentials": {
      "instrumentationKey": "{{applicationInsights-instrumentation-key}}" // named value that links to Key Vault
    "isBuffered": true,
    "resourceId": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-uks-dev-apim/providers/microsoft.insights/components/app-insights-dev"

Higher APIM instances (test/prod) override these values on deployment in Azure DevOps pipelines, using the configuration.env.yaml files to set the desired value necessary for that specific APIM instance. See below for the diagnostics and logger section.

APIM Application Insights


For each environment, you’ll need an override YAML configuration file. These files live in the root of the repository; see the structure screenshot from earlier for reference.

These files are then used to override the values (not names) between APIM instances through APIOps. You’ll only need to override properties that need changing in higher environments (such as resourceIds, service URLs, backends, etc). Although you can override many properties, values, and metadata (like descriptions) if you wish also.

The YAML file -should- accept any APIM rest API properties, which can be found here. However, there is an example override file in the APIOps root repository for you to take reference from here.  Additionally, I’ve included a template to provide some insight below of what an override file could look like.

Tip 💡 Add comments and separators in the YAML files to make it easier to read. This can also highlight headings on the VS Code mini map.
# configuration.prod.yaml example
## MARK: APIM Instance ##
apimServiceName: apim-uks-prod-rios

## MARK: Named Values  ##
- name: api-appId
    displayName: api-appId
    secret: false
    value: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- name: api-allowed-origins
    displayName: api-allowed-origins
    secret: false
    value: https://localhost:98672, https://localhost:47836
- name: super-secret
    displayName: super-secret
      secretIdentifier: "https://kv-apiops-riosengineer-prod.vault.azure.net/secrets/super-secret"
    secret: true
## MARK: Loggers ##
- name: applicationInsights
    loggerType: applicationInsights
      instrumentationKey: "{{applicationInsights}}"
    resourceId: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-rios-apim-engineer/providers/microsoft.insights/components/app-insights-apim-prod

## MARK: Diagnostics ##
- name: applicationInsights
    verbosity: Information
    loggerId: "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-rios-apim-engineer/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apim-uks-prod-rios/loggers/applicationInsights"
## MARK: Backends ##
- name: someApi-backend
    resourceId: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-rios-apim-engineer/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/func-rios-engineer-prod
    url: https://func-rios-engineer-prod.azurewebsites.net/api

## MARK: APIs ##
- name: someApi
    serviceUrl: https://apim-uks-prod-rios.azure-api.net/api/v1
    apiVersion: v1
    apiVersionSetId: /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-rios-apim-engineer/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apim-uks-prod-rios/apiVersionSets/673hd6ha701514sa825ha1
  - name: applicationInsights
      verbosity: Information
      loggerId: "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-rios-apim-engineer/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apim-uks-prod-rios/loggers/applicationInsights"
Tip 💡You can collect all higher environment APIM instance values easily by going to the resource > Automation > Export template to populate each YAML file override with.

Azure DevOps Environments

Prepare your Azure DevOps environments so that you can point each publish stage to these for approval gates and historical job logs.

Once created, by navigating within the environment you can add users to ‘Approvals and checks’ tab at the top.

Read more from the Microsoft Docs here: Create and target environments – Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn

Azure DevOps Connections

As part of preparing for a multi-stage deployment environment in APIOps, you will need to create (preferably) a workload identity for each env. Microsoft Learn has this well covered once again, clicky. Be sure to add these into your Azure DevOps Library for later use.

Publisher Pipeline

Setting up the publisher pipeline to accommodate multiple deployment environments requires some slight modification to get started. You will need to locate the publisher in tools/pipelines/run-publisher.yaml and add additional YAML stages for each environment you have, pointing each to their own YAML configuration override file. In addition, you will need to make sure that within Azure DevOps Library for apim-automation has the additional variables added (see more: Configure APIM tools in Azure DevOps | APIOps – Documentation).

For example, to add a 3 stag deployment (dev/test/prod), it would look like this:

- stage: push_changes_to_Dev_APIM
  displayName: Push changes to Dev APIM
  - job: push_changes_to_Dev_APIM
    displayName: Push changes to Dev APIM
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    - template: run-publisher-with-env.yaml
        ENVIRONMENT: "Dev"
        COMMIT_ID: ${{ parameters.COMMIT_ID }}

- stage: push_changes_to_Test_APIM
  displayName: Push changes to Test APIM
  - deployment: push_changes_to_Test_APIM
    displayName: Push changes to Test APIM
      #setting the testSecretValue to the test resource group name as an example
      testSecretValue: $(RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_Test)
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    # creates an environment if it doesn't exist
    environment: 'Test'
      # default deployment strategy, more coming...
          - template: run-publisher-with-env.yaml
              CONFIGURATION_YAML_PATH: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/configuration.test.yaml
              ENVIRONMENT: "Test"
              COMMIT_ID: ${{ parameters.COMMIT_ID }}

- stage: push_changes_to_Prod_APIM
  displayName: Push changes to Prod APIM
  - deployment: push_changes_to_Prod_APIM
    displayName: Push changes to Prod APIM
      #setting the testSecretValue to the prod resource group name as an example
      testSecretValue: $(RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME_Prod)
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    # creates an environment if it doesn't exist
    environment: 'Prod'
      # default deployment strategy, more coming...
          - template: run-publisher-with-env.yaml
              CONFIGURATION_YAML_PATH: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/configuration.prod.yaml
              ENVIRONMENT: "Prod"
              COMMIT_ID: ${{ parameters.COMMIT_ID }}
Azure DevOps multi-stage deployment for APIOps

End state, the publisher pipeline will look something similar to the above, with test and production asking for approval before deploying the stage.

Spectral analysis & API Center?

There is a fantastic open-source linting tool called Spectral by Spotlight, which can be used as part of your Pull Request policy pipeline. The documentation for Spectral is brilliant, including an installation guide which can be found here. The tool runs rules against your API specifications using OpenAPI v2/v3 rules to help with governance and best practices for your API specs.

In my opinion, you need to align to the OpenAPI V3 spec so you can enhance the build validation on PR. This way, you can spot validation errors on your organisations API specifications before the publisher pipeline runs, and potentially fails at the APIM REST API level. See the gotchas below on why this can be problematic.

In addition, Microsoft have recently announced API Center into Preview, , which aims to help track all your organisation’s APIs under one central location for discovery, reuse, and governance. This may be useful for organisations with a sprawling API estate that they need to get visibility over. I look forward to seeing how this will evolve and integrate into APIM in the near future.


  • If your ADO / GitHub Service Connection has access to multiple subscriptions, publishing may fail. Make sure to have one identity per environment with only access to the subscription necessary -or- modify the pipeline to set the necessary subscription
  • Publisher only runs changes on the last commit. You can run the pipeline in full artifact mode, where it will redeploy all artifacts if a build fails
  • Check your higher APIM instances for any discrepancies between dev / prod as these will need to be aligned or removed if not necessary. All environments must match in terms of the same number of versions, revisions, etc.
  • Anything not explicitly in the override configuration will take it’s values from the Git repository artifact files. If you don’t include a description change in the override it will deploy whatever you see in the Git files. Overrides are the only way to change these when promoting in APIOps
  • If you’re not aligning to the OpenAPI v3 specification you may find it difficult to spot validation errors before APIM pipeline tries to publish to the APIM REST API. This means that you can get into situations where you fail a deployment, run a fix, but it will only pickup the last commit and now will be ignore your previous commits changes. By incorporating OpenAPI spectral analysis in the PR you can spot these earlier and prevent this problem.


APIOps is a fantastic tool to help teams bring DevOps processes to API Management in Azure. By ensuring your APIM configuration has consistent settings, your organisation will be in a great position to begin adopting APIOps for a multi-environment setup.

A big thank you to Wael and guythetechie, who tirelessly run the project in their own time and help maintain APIOps!

I hope the deep dive and insights provide some value and save you some pain when trying to go down this path yourself, if you got this far in the blog that is 😆

Let me know in the comments: Are you using APIOps? How have you found it?

4 thoughts on “APIOps – A deep dive for APIM multi-environments”

  1. I am using Azure DevOps and I am generating a large set of named values during an earlier task in the yaml pipeline. I’m saving it as an appsettings.json file but I can’t figure out how to get the publisher to recognize it. Where should it go? How does it get referenced when the publisher executes?

    • Higher environments will only support the configuration YAML file like ‘configuration.env.yaml’. If you’re trying to publish new named values to your lowest env (dev?) and you extracted your current APIM instance as JSON spec, then you’ll need to specify each value via the named values folder. Each sub folder being the name of the value, that then json file beneath containing the information on the value (which you can see examples of how that is constructed via the extractor pipeline if you create one in the portal first).

      The publisher tool is using the YAML files for the high envs to publish to the APIM rest API.

      Checkout the APIOps sample artifact docs for a ref – named values:


      Sample config yaml: https://github.com/Azure/apiops/blob/main/configuration.prod.yaml

      If you have tons of new named values you want to publish then you’ll likely need to transform these via a script to the appropriate folder structure as above, then also add them to the config yaml for your higher APIM instances so they publish to those too. I’m not aware of another way

  2. I am trying to figure out how to remove unwanted fragments and named values. I tried deleting them from repository before publishing but I think apiops does not delete if its not in repository. Is it by design?

    • Yes pretty much. APIOps is only aware of what’s in the repository when the publisher runs if there’s been a commit changing a property (adding/deleting/amending). If you don’t have a named value in the repository but do have it in the portal, it won’t delete it unless you commit it back into code and remove it. Then it’d detect a change and delete the named value in the APIM instance.


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